This calculator can be used to get a rough estimate of the cost associated with rebuilding your subwoofer. Please understand that not every subwoofer is the same and the cost to rebuild it may vary depending on the level of work needed, the exact combination of parts, and other factors. This calculator is designed to give you a roundabout price estimate. Prices compiled by this calculator are not guaranteed to be accurate and we do not claim that we will rebuild your subwoofer for the exact price given by this calculator, even if the parts in your subwoofer are the same size and material used to calculate the estimate.
To use our calculator, you will need to know some information about the parts used in your subwoofer. If you don’t know the answers to all of the questions, you could still possibly get a general idea.
If your subwoofer is already damaged/blown and you don’t mind taking it apart on your own, you can get a much better idea of the parts used to make it.
If you are not able to supply enough information to obtain what you feel would be a valid price range estimate, you would need to submit a service request to us as we more than likely already know which parts are used to build your subwoofer.
If you come up with your own estimate and feel as if you’d like to move forward, you can then submit a service request and supply information about your subwoofer and installation and then we will respond to you with the exact price and any available or recommended upgrades and additional parts.
[scc_calculator type=’text’ idvalue=’4′]